Linen In the Modern World + Sustainability

With linen’s rich history, the rise and fall of fast fashion and the recognition of our effects on mama earth, our favourite fabric has been making a steady comeback to the sensibilities of the fashion industry as well as people who want to know more about how their clothes are made. More designers and consumers are becoming awakened to its inherent sustainability, benefits to our earth like: 

  • a flax plant takes only around 3 months to become ready to harvest

  • seed pods can be collected for re-harvesting

  • no irrigation or chemical treatments are required

  • the entire plant can be used

  • biodegradability

  • light weighing material

While synthetic fabrics were once the popular choice, we all know by now the consequences of this has had and our earth is saying “no”, we have to do better than this. 

For us, it’s ethically produced fabrics, like linen. #slowfashion

Throughout Europe, we see manufacturers of linen take pride in the growing and harvesting process. Certain countries have even become famous for their flax crops, claiming their rivers provide the best nutrients for the soaking process or that the climate is better here or there. We see it as a healthy competition that demonstrates the pride, dedication and spirit behind the linen industry! (And also, our vote is on Lithuanian linen ;))

Despite linens transparent process, there are also certifications and qualifications that ensure your linen was produced to ethical European standards, like the Oeko-tex certificate, which ensures that your fabrics are free of harmful substances.

Since the beginning of sun + her and now more than ever, sustainability is our guiding compass and we’re dedicated to transparency at every step of the process. We’re learning along with our peers (you!), making mistakes (nothing major) and learning so much along along the way. We hope to inspire a growing appreciation for this magical fabric and especially a love for handmade clothing and timeless pieces that we can wear for years to come. 

About, Linen--.Linen, History